TTM Heroes 2023

As the year draws to a close, we’re proud to say a very special thank you to the exceptional candidates recognised in our TTM HEROES Candidate Appreciation Programme – those who went above and beyond to Power Potential.
We’re fortunate to work with remarkable healthcare professionals who take their excellence and experience to work with them every day. We want to make sure their valued contributions are acknowledged and shared – so in 2023 we launched the TTM Heroes Candidate Appreciation Programme.
TTM Heroes recognises those who stand-out in their working life, and who encourage exceptional feedback from those they work with. We call them ‘everyday heroes’ and they are individuals who go out of their way to show up at their best, and who embody a spirit of positivity and commitment. For each month in 2023 we selected two heroes: one healthcare professional from TTM Ireland, and one from TTM UK.
Some of our Heroes have been working with TTM for some time, while others are new to the family. And together they represent a mixed bag of superior skills, remarkable effort and heartfelt dedication:
From Registered Nurses, Healthcare Assistants, a Medical Registrar and Endoscopy Nurses, to a Consultant Emergency Medicine Doctor, a Clinical Psychologist and Multi-Task Attendant, we have awarded a wealth of extraordinary healthcare workers for their professionalism, skills, above-and-beyond attitude and hard work. All are commended for their continuous loyalty and friendly, helpful support with a smile – even in a crisis or at short notice.
We look forward to continuing TTM Heroes in 2024 and saluting the very best, for the very best.