Social Value – TTM is ‘Making the World Better’

Introduction to the Social Value Model
Social Value has been a consideration in procurement for the Public (and Private) Sector for some time, albeit under different guises such as Corporate & Social Responsibility or Environmental Sustainability. Regardless of its guise, it has never had the requisite teeth (or structure) to be fully implemented and hold both the buyers and suppliers to account. This changed, for the better, when the UK Government issued the Social Value Model Procurement Policy Note (PPN) in September 2020.
Taking effect from the January 2020 for the commercial activities of UK Central Government, and subsequently the NHS in April of this year (2022), the Social Value Model (SVM) provides a consistent and structured delivery model for implementation in all government procurement. The SVM includes five ‘Themes’ for buyers to select for suppliers to positively impact:

Fig 1: Social Value Model- five themes.
The SVMs five themes and eight respective ‘Outcomes’ provide a clear path for where action is needed. Government buyers, in qualifying procurement activities, are required to select which of the outcomes form the 10% weighting, as a minimum, that must be contributed to Social Value when evaluating suppliers. Which apply is the buyer’s decision, but logic, relevance to the scope of supplier service(s) and proportionately are key considerations.

Fig 2: Social Value Model- five themes & eight respective Outcomes.
Since the SVMs launch in 2020, the NHS has been working hard to assimilate, adapt and embed this new model. As the fifth largest employer in the world, with circa 1.7 million staff and significant infrastructure across England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland (HSC), it has recognised it has the ability to make a real dent in ‘Fighting Climate Change’. With this workforce and infrastructure comes the vast consumption of energy and materials leading to the generation of a substantial carbon footprint. Although all ‘Themes’ are on the table for the NHS, fighting climate change is a key priority.
Doing the Right Thing
So where does TTM Healthcare Solutions’ (TTM) fit in? Well, since TTM’s establishment in 2002, we have strived to do the right thing. TTM is a principle-led business. Many businesses adopt ‘values’ to encapsulate how they operate as an organisation, or at an individual level. At TTM, we wanted to take ‘values’ to the next level. To achieve this, we socialised and embedded our ‘family principles’. These touch on every aspect of our business, from the small choices right through to the big decisions. Simply, principles form the foundations of our core identity and are part of everything we say and do.
The common thread that is woven throughout our principles is ‘Doing the Right Thing’. To TTM, this means making decisions (and acting) not just based on personal needs but the greater, common good. This is a company-wide expectation of all TTM’s colleagues and is sponsored by the Leadership Team that guides our business.
Commitment to Social Value
At the start of the year TTM embarked on a journey to ‘make the world better’ by committing to and devising a strategy for delivering measurable social value. Greg Ayles, Head of UK Sales & Ops, is heading up TTM’s drive to do good. “To us it means doing the right thing and generating value for the community beyond just contractual obligations” he says. Clients, candidates and wider society will all benefit. This began by leveraging TTM’s principles, which are part of TTM’s core management toolset. TTM’s ‘Make the World Better’ principle is the natural custodian of Social Value, ensuring this is at the forefront of discussions, at all levels – driving innovation, focus, accountability, and measurement.
Secondly, we sourced external expertise to validate our vision and accelerate our ambitions. Our partner of choice was the Social Value Business, which has a wealth of knowledge helping the public sector assimilate the SVM and guiding the private sector to respond. Fast forwarding to today (July 2022), we are very proud to share that TTM has achieved what may soon become the defacto statement of commitment to Social Value – the Social Value Quality Mark – Level 1. Here are a few words from the Social Value Business on TTM following the work so far:
“We are pleased to be working with TTM, a principles driven healthcare solutions business, who are passionate about developing and delivering long-term sustainable social value. TTM are a leader and a first within the ‘Healthcare Recruitment’ sector to commit to and achieve the Level 1 Social Value Quality mark.”
Richard Dickins – Director at the Social Value Business
Making the World Better, Fairer and More Inclusive for All
To address the themes and outcomes of the SVM, and meet TTM’s responsibilities to our customers, talent and communities, we will focus time and resources on six key pledge areas, underpinned by leadership. The following demonstrates TTM’s current Social Value vision:

Fig 3: Social Value Pledge Wheel- Underpinned by leadership, TTM will focus on six key areas.
To track and deliver TTM’s visions we have created and set Key Value Indicators (KVI) for each of our pledges. One example of a KVI, under our ‘Environmental’ pledge, is carbon-offsetting. “We are looking at how TTM can neutralise the impact of travel, especially when recruiting internationally for the UK.” he says.
Carbon offsetting is a major area of emphasis for delivering Social Value. TTM recruits and supports the relocation of approximately 300 international healthcare professionals each month. This involves many flights from across the globe. There are many other small things we can do also, one of these is our commitment to ‘Volunteering’.
“We are allowing our staff a paid half-day of leave a month so they can go and do something in their community, that’s six days a year for every member of staff. That doesn’t bite into their holidays, that’s us saying to them ‘Go and do good in your communities’.” says Greg.
TTM’s pledges will continue to evolve overtime and progress of our achievement will be monitored using SMART KVIs. So watch this space as we will bring further updates on progress and exciting news!
Get in touch
If you like what you hear (or read) and your organisation is looking for a partner which is truly committed to Social Value, and has the means to support your Social Value commitments in the delivery of healthcare recruitment, contact TTM Healthcare Solutions.